Flaxseeds Lower Cholesterol in Men

April 30, 2010

A new study just presented at the American Society for Nutrition’s annual meeting at Experimental Biology 2010 shows that consuming 150 milligrams – about three tablespoons – of flaxseed lignans daily decreases cholesterol in men by almost 10 percent within three months. PureMeal, a part of the 21 day LTP Medical Purification Program, includes flaxseed meal and is a convenient, tasty way to support purification and lower your cholesterol on a daily basis!

The Potential of Resveratrol-is it Worth Adding to your Health Regimen?

August 20, 2009

grapeResveratrol is a naturally occurring chemical found in the skins and seeds of red grapes, peanuts and in Polygonum, a popular and well respected herbal medicine from the Far East.  Currently, the research on Resveratrol is promising as a protective chemical against the damaging effects of toxins, synthetic estrogen and xenoestrogens, inflammation, and the process of aging.  It has specific actions on the brain, immune system, and heart.

In my practice I will use between 200 and 500 mg per day of Resveratrol as part of a treatment protocol. This typically is added to a protocol after a patient has been tested to determine if he or she has a deficiency of antioxidants or an imbalance of free radicals relative to antioxidants in the body.  All too often patients come into my practice with a huge bag of supplements, with no idea of what is working, what is not working and still battling the same symptoms that led him or her down the path of supplementation.

You know your body better then anyone else… you have been living in it your entire life!  You may have a sense of what is causing your symptoms and you also may have a sense for what medicines are helping or harming you.  To help confirm that sense, and develop a balanced approach to solving your health challenge, I encourage getting lab testing completed through a qualified Naturopathic Medical Doctor who has access and has experience with taking objective measured to get to an underlying biochemical cause for your symptoms.  And at that point, adding a powerful antioxidant such as Resveratrol to your protocol, and then re-testing after 3-6 months, this will let you know for certain if what you are taking is actually helping to balance your body!

In health,

Dr. Gina

Alternative to Statin Medications to Lower Cholesterol

June 16, 2009
Safe Alternatives to Statin Medications

Safe Alternative to Statin Medications

CNN just reported on a new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, supporting previous research that red yeast rice extract paired with a healthy lifestyle is a safe and effective alternative to popular statin medication therapy (e.g. Crestor,Lipitor and Zocor), particularly in patients who suffer from muscle pain as a result of taking this class of cholesterol lowering drugs.  Red yeast rice contains a naturally occurring lovastatin called monacolin K, however it is only one of a plethora of compounds found within this natural medicine, that work in harmony to lower the production of cholesterol in the liver.  As with most natural medicines, you cannot isolate a single compound and attain the full spectrum of healing that is part and parcel to administering natural substances in their whole, unadulterated form.  There is a whole that is greater then the sum of its parts. 

In any case, it is nice to see research being published, albeit not perfect (the study was small and of short duration), to support what licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctors see clinically in their practice everyday.  The study author Dr. David Becker MD cautions against running out to buy a red yeast rice extract at your local health food store.  He advises working with a doctor if you are trying to lower your cholesterol and are seeking an alternative to statin medications. There are effective natural therapies for lowering cholesterol, and licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctors are trained to customize their treatment protocols to the individual patient for safe and optimal results.

In health,

Dr. G

Vitamin D Deficiency Causes Teen Health Challenges

March 16, 2009

A new study done at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health reveals even more data on the association between Vitamin D deficiency and health. In this case, researchers studied approximately 3,600 boys and girls ages 12 to 19 who took part in a government health survey from 2001 to 2004.

The teenage boys and girls with the lowest levels of Vitamin D in their blood were twice as likely to develop high blood pressure and high blood sugar.  Even more alarming, the teens with the lowest levels of Vitamin D in their blood were four times as likely to develop metabolic syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by a triad of conditions, namely high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels and high cholesterol, that are associated with diabetes and heart disease.  Metabolic syndrome patients also tend to store fat around their midsection.  This condition is closely related to stress and Sickness Syndrome.   Most of the patients that I treat for Sickness Syndrome Depression and stress-related illness inevitably have low levels of vitamin D in their blood.  This makes sense given that a key source for vitamin D is exposure to the sun, and lack of exposure to the sun will, in many people, lead to depression and inflammation.

In our office, we test the blood for Vitamin D3, which is the active form of the vitamin.  And oftentimes if a patient has inflammation, metabolic syndrome, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or Sickness Syndrome, then Vitamin D3 testing and treatment becomes part of their path to optimal health.

If this is a topic of interest to you, please read previous posts on vitamin D3.

In health,

Dr. Gina

PBS Documentary on Naturopathic Medicine

January 12, 2009


Windsor Broadcast Productions, well known for its long running PBS series American Health Journal is producing a documentary focusing on Naturopathic Medicine. The documentary will be comprised of seven 30 minute segments on such topics as Mental Health, Adult Allergies, ADD & ADHA. The documentary will initially run on PBS in the greater Orange County, California area sometime in March 2009 and is expected to reach a nationwide audience later in the year.herbs2

One of the segments features Dr. Gina Nick and her naturopathic approach to dealing with Chronic Pain.

Some of the key messages highlighted throughout the series are:

* Naturopathic Doctors are trustworthy, credible, and a qualified choice for healthcare

* Naturopathic medicine offers a continuum of care

* Naturopathic medicine is the “new norm” for health and healthcare

* Naturopathic doctors believe in the power of the human being to regain greater health

Dr. Nick and LTP Natural Medical Center specialize in the prevention of dis-ease, optimizing overall health and providing a sense of well being.

Knowledge is power. LTP Natural Medical Center hopes you will tune-in to this very exciting documentary series and empower yourself with knowledge about the natural approach to your health.

Wyeth’s Nutritional Supplement Claims Under Investigation

September 18, 2008

Wyeth, manufacturer of synthetic hormones for women is under investigation for making a false claim that it’s Centrum Cardio is the only complete supplement that lowers cholesterol.  That’s interesting because in my medical practice we use several different high quality nutritional supplements to lower cholesterol, that do not contain harmful binders, dyes, and things like hydrogenated oil, found in some Centrum products. One of the most profound treatments for lowering cholesterol levels that I use in my practice is a detoxification program that I researched, formulated and published a book about, entitled Clinical Purification.  I test my  patients’ blood before and after the program.  Patients who have been on statin medications for 10 years are able to discontinue them, with full blessing from their primary care doctor and cardiologist. Nature cure at its best.

Dr. G