California Could Ban Skittles, Sour Patch Kids and More!

May 23, 2023

This is good news for everyone! Especially because there are lots of good candy options these days that don’t deliver neurotoxins to our kids.

In health,

Dr. Gina

Dr. Gina Speaks about Glutathione with Dr. Nayan Patel in New Podcast-Check it out!

February 20, 2023

Enjoyed participating in this Nutrition Business Today podcast hosted by Thomas Aarts. This was a great conversation about glutathione with Nayan Patel PharmD. Looking forward to spreading the word together about this crucial supplement and creating the best available forms to deliver to humans and animals in need globally.

#glutathione #bestdailyever #glutaryl #aurowellness #theglutathionerevolution #thepowerofglutathione #teamwork #globalhealth

Dr. Gina’s Custom Purification Program

September 1, 2022

Watch below to learn more about how Dr. Gina’s 21 Day Custom Medical Purification Program can help you feel lighter and brighter this Fall!

Dr. Gina Nick’s Custom 21 Day Purification Program

With care,


August 21, 2022
Dr. Gina Nick on the Peptide Glutathione

Here is a short video where Dr. Gina speaks about her favorite peptide, Glutathione.

In health,

Sex Hormone Disruptors

April 23, 2022

There are a growing number of chemicals produced in our environment that have a serious impact on your hormone balance. Our innate Human Detoxification System has simply not evolved yet to the point of being able to handle the volume of toxins we are exposed to in the air, the water, our food supply and by exposure to pathogens like viruses, bacteria and fungi. There are chemicals in the environment that mimic hormones and will compete with our natural hormone system and cause major imbalances.

Toxins tend to congregate by the DNA that is housed in the mitochondria of your cells making them vulnerable. And mitochondria produce sex steroid hormones. And in turn sex hormones (like testosterone and estrogen) support the health of mitochondria in hormone responsive cells.

In addition to educating yourself on the most important toxins to avoid, I recommend taking action daily to support the Human Detoxification System. Daily use of glutathione and vitamin C, leafy organic greens, and remineralized water (1/2 your body weight in ounces of water) are a wise first step, along with exercise and rest. Take care of your mitochondria, and your hormone system, and in turn you will have more energy, better sex, improved mood and sense of purpose, and a far greater quality of life.

In health,

Dr. Gina

Just Released

November 3, 2021
Listen to Dr. Gina’s new audio book all about glutathione!

In this book, celebrity doctor, television personality and glutathione authority, Dr. Gina Nick, highlights why everyone should take this product and how to select the best form for you and your family.

In health,

The Springtime Group 21 Day Purification Program Starts April 2nd!

March 29, 2021

SPRINGTIME 21 DAY PURIFICATION PROGRAM is here! Link below! Starts April 2nd💚.

#purificationprogram #naturalmedicine #groupdetox #functionalmedicine #biohacking #drginanick #standardprocesscleanse #loseweight #clearhead #clearmind #moreenergy #lowerinflammation #stayhealthy

Dr. Gina Nick speaking about the upcoming Group 21 Day Purification Program


In health,

Dr. Gina

Group 21 Day Purification Program with Dr. Gina

December 16, 2020

Our group 21 Day Purification Program is kicking off in January! Get the support you need to succeed. Everyone that completes the program receives a free bottle of physician recommended vitamin D3 5000 IU! Lower inflammation, get healthy and get strong in 2021!!!!!

Register by clicking here:

Hang in there,

Dr. Gina

Too Much Exposure: Everyday Chemicals that Can Harm Kids

September 18, 2019

Here is a great article from Harvard Medical School’s health blog that clearly lists some of the main chemicals that we want our kids to steer clear of, and why. At our office we test children for imbalances that are sometimes caused by too much exposure to these chemicals, that can lead to avoidable health problems. They are often referred to as “endocrine disrupters” because they cause hormonal imbalances in the body.

It is a quick read and worth a look!

In health,

Dr. Gina

Glutathione, Detoxification and Neuroinflammation at ICNM 2018 in London

July 12, 2018

It was an honor to speak in London on July 6th E12872F4-E268-44C2-9449-74624369DDCB.jpegat the 2018 International Congress on Naturopathic Medicine on Glutathione, Detoxification and Neuroinflammation. There were 55 countries represented by nearly 600 physician attendees. Great audience, excellent venue. #icnm2018

In health,

Dr. Gina Nick