Blood Pressure Medication and Breast Cancer

August 1, 2014

doctor and patient measuring blood pressureA new patient recently came in to our office with a diagnosis of stage 3 breast cancer. She is postmenopausal and has been on a calcium channel blocker medication for high blood pressure for upwards of ten years.  Sadly, the doctor who prescribed the medication never informed her of the association between long term use of calcium channel blockers (like diltiazem…brand names Cardizem, Dilacor, Tiazac) and breast cancer in post menopausal women. Even after her diagnosis of breast cancer, neither her primary care doctor who prescribed the medication nor her oncologist mentioned the possibility or discussed an alternative medication for her.

I would say this medication might be at least one contributing factor to the underlying cause.

Step one..remove the barriers to cure.

Click here for more detail on this association between calcium channel blockers and breast cancer.

In naturopathic medicine we aim to investigate the underlying cause of diseases or symptoms, and  spend upwards of an hour with each patient to catch elements that cannot be found in a 5 minute visit.  I am seeing that patients are becoming increasingly frustrated with the traditional medical model where you have very little time with the doctor and consequently poor long term results.

In health,

Dr. Gina

CME Presentation Delivered by Dr. Cushman

July 13, 2012

Dr. Gina Cushman, founder of HealthBridge Management and HealthBridge Medical Center, delivered her final lecture in a live pharmacy CME series on thyroid health yesterday July 12th, 2012 at 8 PM EST through PharmCon.  The attendee feedback was very positive, with an audience for the series in excess of 3,000 licensed healthcare professionals.

Below are  a few of the comments we received from physicians, nurses and pharmacists in attendance…

“Excellent program. I learned a lot.”

“I have thyroid disease and it’s going to help me personally as well as professionally.”

“Very informative, very thorough”

“Best CE from PharmCom to date”

“Great speaker. One of the best CE lessons.”

“Thorough, well organized, excellent thanks so much, learned  a lot which i will incorporate in my practice.”

“Very informative, great presentation!!!!”

“This presentation will be very helpful in my practice.”

“Excellent presentation. wonderful slides”

“Very informative”


“Fantastic CE”

“Well-organized, knowledgeable speaker. Excellent review of thyroid disease basics, as well as an outstanding discussion of various treatment options.”

“Loved the presentation”

Check back here for news on upcoming live CME presentations offered by HealthBridge and Dr. Gina Cushman.


May 3, 2012



A new peer reviewed article entitled “Primary Risks of Oral Contraceptives and HRT” discusses the benefits of two nutraceuticals- BRM4 and Plasmanex1, manufactured by Daiwa Pharmaceuticals, and researched by Dr. Gina Cushman in clinical practice.

(Newport Beach, CA) May 3, 2012- Gina Cushman, NMD, PhD, owner and founder of HealthBridge Medical Center and HealthBridge Management LLC in Newport Beach, CA  has just been published in the peer reviewed Natural Medicine Journal, the official journal of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. She discusses ways to offset the primary risks that women face when taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and oral contraceptives (OC) prescribed by their physicians, including the use of 2 natural food extracts–Plasmanex1 and BRM4–one showing anticoagulant effects and the other exhibiting certain anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects.  Her discussion is based on the results of a clinical research study on the extracts, that was led by Dr. Cushman at her medical practice, and presented worldwide at three PharmCon peer-reviewed continuing medical education events on June 9th, 2011; July 7th, 2011; and August 10th, 2011.   

“I am pleased to see that our team at HealthBridge was able to research these nutraceuticals in a real world medical practice setting, identifying a new and important application for the products, and then share the results of our research with thousands of physicians and pharmacists worldwide, through continuing medical education seminars and now through publication in a reputable peer-reviewed journal, “ says Dr. Cushman.

Long-term use of OCs and HRT have been linked to increased risks of cardiovascular problems, and chronic immune disorders with an inflammatory component, including cancer.  The research study designed and led by Dr. Cushman investigated the clinical effects of the use of BRM4 (also referred to as BioBran, MGN3 or RBAC in some countries) and Plasmanex1 (NKCP) for the purpose of uncovering potential benefits of combined use, as well as areas that may prove fruitful for further research into ways to prevent serious side effects from OCs/HRT. The 6-week private practitioner research study included case study results that demonstrated the significant impact of these 2 extracts—Plasmanex1 and BRM4—on OC users and HRT users, with regard to offsetting thrombotic risk and improving inflammatory symptoms.

Reference: Cushman, G. Primary Risks of Oral Contraceptives and HRT. Nat Med Journal. May 1, 2012.

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About HealthBridge Management LLC
HealthBridge Management LLC is a nationally recognized consulting firm specializing in medical marketing, sales and distribution for the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries.  HealthBridge delivers simple, affordable and doable medical sales, research and marketing solutions to meet the need, worldwide, for quality education, and access to effective pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products. For further information on our firm, partial client list and client comments, please visit or call 949.612.9890.

A Pharmacist’s Perspective on Drug-Nutrient Interactions and the Value of Nutritional Medicine

January 30, 2012

An interesting commentary below…by a registered pharmacist, released through the Orthomolecular News Service, about the importance of including nutrient deficiencies in the mix, when considering pharmaceutical medications for the prevention or treatment of disease.

In health,

-Dr. G


Confessions of a Frustrated Pharmacist

by Stuart Lindsey, PharmD.

I’m a registered pharmacist. I am having a difficult time with my job. I sell people drugs that are supposed to correct their various health complaints. Some medicines work like they’re supposed to, but many don’t. Some categories of drugs work better than others. My concern is that the outcomes of treatment I observe are so unpredictable that I would often call the entire treatment a failure in too many situations.

How It Started

In 1993, I graduated with a BS in Pharmaceutical Sciences from University of New Mexico. I became pharmacy manager for a small independent neighborhood drug store. Starting in the year 2000, nutrition became an integral part of our business. The anecdotal feedback from the customers who started vitamin regimens was phenomenal. That same year, my PharmD clinical rotations began with my propensity for nutritional alternatives firmly in place in my mind. On the second day of my adult medicine rotation, my preceptor at a nearby hospital informed me that he had every intention of beating this vitamin stuff out of me. I informed him that probably wouldn’t happen. Three weeks later I was terminated from my rotations. The preceptor told my supervisor at UNM that there were acute intellectual differences that couldn’t be accommodated in their program. What had I done? I was pressuring my preceptor to read an article written by an MD at a hospital in Washington state that showed if a person comes into the emergency room with a yet to be diagnosed problem and is given a 3,000-4,000 mg bolus of vitamin C, that person’s chance of dying over the next ten days in ICU dropped by 57%! [1]

One would think that someone who is an active part of the emergency room staff might find that an interesting statistic. His solution to my attempting to force him to read that article was having me removed from the program.

Pecking Order

The traditional role of the pharmacist in mainstream medicine is subordinate to the doctor. The doctor is responsible for most of the information that is received from and given to the patient. The pharmacist’s responsibility is to reinforce the doctor’s directions. The doctor and the pharmacist both want to have a positive treatment outcome, but there is a legally defined ‘standard of care’ looking over their shoulder.

The training that I received to become a PharmD motivated me to become more interested in these treatment outcomes. After refilling a patient’s prescriptions a few times, it becomes obvious that the expected positive outcomes often simply don’t happen. It’s easy to take the low road and blame it on “poor compliance by the patient.” I’m sure this can explain some treatment failure outcomes, but not all. Many (indeed most) drugs such as blood pressure regulators can require several adjustments of dose or combination with alternative medicines before a positive outcome is obtained.

Wrong Drug; Wrong Disease

One drug misadventure is turning drugs that were originally designed for a rare (0.3% of the population) condition called Zollinger-Ellison syndrome into big pharma’s treatment for occasional indigestion. These drugs are called proton-pump inhibitors (PPI). [2] After prolonged exposure to PPIs, the body’s true issues of achlorhydria start to surface. [3]

These drugs are likely to cause magnesium deficiency, among other problems. Even the FDA thinks their long-term use is unwise. [4]

The original instructions for these drugs were for a maximum use of six weeks . . . until somebody in marketing figured out people could be on the drugs for years. Drug usage gets even more complicated when you understand excessive use of antibiotics could be the cause of the initial indigestion complaints. What you get from inserting proton pump inhibitors into this situation is a gastrointestinal nightmare. A better course of medicine in this type of case might well be a bottle of probiotic supplements (or yogurt) and a few quarts of aloe-vera juice.

Many doctors are recognizing there are problems with overusing PPI’s, but many still don’t get it. An example of this is my school in NM had a lot of students going onto a nearby-impoverished area for rotations. They have blue laws in this area with no alcohol sales on Sunday. The students saw the pattern of the patients going into the clinics on Monday after abusing solvents, even gasoline vapors, and having the doctors put them on omeprazole (eg. Prilosec), long term, because their stomachs are upset. This is medicine in the real world.

Reliability or Bias?

Mainstream medicine and pharmacy instill into their practitioners from the beginning to be careful about where you get your information. Medical journals boast of their peer review process. When you discuss with other health professionals, invariably they will ask from which medical journal did you get your information. I actually took an elective course in pharmacy on how to evaluate a particular article for its truthfulness. The class was structured on a backbone of caution about making sure, as one read an article, that we understand that real truthfulness only comes from a few approved sources.

I was never comfortable with this concept. Once you realized that many of these “truthfulness bastions” actually have a hidden agenda, the whole premise of this course became suspect. One of my preceptors for my doctoral program insisted that I become familiar with a particular medical journal. If I did, she said, I would be on my way to understanding the “big picture.” When I expressed being a little skeptical of this journal, the teacher told me I could trust it as the journal was non-profit, and there were no editorial strings attached.

Weirdly enough, what had started our exchange over credibility was a warm can of a diet soft drink on the teacher’s desk. She drank the stuff all day. I was kidding around with her, and asked her if she had seen some controversial articles about the dangers of consuming quantities of aspartame. She scoffed at my conspiracy-theory laden point of view and I thought the subject was closed. The beginning of the next day, the teacher gave me an assignment: to hustle over to the medical library and make sure I read a paper she assured me would set me straight about my aspartame suspicions, while simultaneously demonstrating the value of getting my information from a nonprofit medical journal. It turned out that the article she wanted me to read, in the “nonprofit medical journal,” was funded in its entirety by the Drug Manufacturers Association.

Flashy Pharma Ads

As I read the literature, I discovered that there is very decided barrier between two blocks of information: substances that can be patented vs. those substances that can’t be. The can-be-patented group gets a professional discussion in eye-pleasing, four-color-print, art-like magazines. This attention to aesthetics tricks some people into interpreting, from the flashy presentation method, that the information is intrinsically truthful.

The world’s drug manufacturers do an incredibly good job using all kinds of media penetration to get the word out about their products. The drug industry’s audience used to be confined to readers of medical journals and trade publications. Then, in 1997, direct-to-consumer marketing was made legal. [5]

Personally, I don’t think this kind of presentation should be allowed. I have doctor friends that say they frequently have patients that self-diagnose from TV commercials and demand the doctor write them a prescription for the advertised product. The patients then threaten the doctor, if s/he refuses their request, that they will change doctors to get the medication. One of my doctor friends says he feels like a trained seal.

Negative Reporting on Vitamins

A vitamin article usually doesn’t get the same glossy presentation. Frequently, questionable vitamin research will be published and get blown out of proportion. A prime example of this was the clamor in the press in 2008 that vitamin E somehow caused lung cancer. [6]

I studied this 2008 experiment [7] and found glaring errors in its execution. These errors were so obvious that the experiment shouldn’t have gotten any attention, yet this article ended up virtually everywhere. Anti-vitamin spin requires this kind of research to be widely disseminated to show how “ineffectual” and even “dangerous” vitamins are. I tracked down one of the article’s original authors and questioned him about the failure to define what kind of vitamin E had been studied. A simple literature hunt shows considerable difference between natural and synthetic vitamin E. This is an important distinction because most of the negative articles and subsequent treatment failures have used the synthetic form for the experiment, often because it is cheap. Natural vitamin E with mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols costs two or three times more than the synthetic form.

Before I even got the question out of my mouth, the researcher started up, “I know, I know what you’re going to say.” He ended up admitting that they hadn’t even considered the vitamin E type when they did the experiment. This failure to define the vitamin E type made it impossible to draw a meaningful conclusion. I asked the researcher if he realized how much damage this highly quoted article had done to vitamin credibility. If there has been anything like a retraction, I have yet to see it.

Illness is Not Caused by Drug Deficiency

If you’ve made it this far in reading this article you have discerned that I’m sympathetic to vitamin arguments. I think most diseases are some form of malnutrition. Taking the position that nutrition is the foundation to disease doesn’t make medicine any simpler. You still have to figure out who has what and why. There are many disease states that are difficult to pin down using the “pharmaceutical solution to disease.” A drug solution is a nice idea, in theory. It makes the assumption that the cause of a disease is so well understood that a man-made chemical commonly called ‘medicine’ is administered, very efficiently solving the health problem. The reality though, is medicine doesn’t understand most health problems very well. A person with a heart rhythm disturbance is not low on digoxin. A child who is diagnosed with ADHD does not act that way because the child is low on Ritalin. By the same logic, a person with type II diabetes doesn’t have a deficit of metformin. The flaw of medicine is the concept of managing (but not curing) a particular disease state. I’m hard pressed to name any disease state that mainstream medicine is in control of.

Voltaire allegedly said, “Doctors are men who pour drugs of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, into human beings of whom they know nothing.” Maybe he overstated the problem. Maybe he didn’t.


1. Free full text paper at:


2. and

3. and



6. Media example: .

OMNS’ discussion at:

7. Original article at: or

Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine

Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information:

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The peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service is a non-profit and non-commercial informational resource.

Editorial Review Board:

Ian Brighthope, M.D. (Australia)
Ralph K. Campbell, M.D. (USA)
Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. (Canada)
Damien Downing, M.D. (United Kingdom)
Michael Ellis, M.D. (Australia)
Martin P. Gallagher, M.D., D.C. (USA)
Michael Gonzalez, D.Sc., Ph.D. (Puerto Rico)
William B. Grant, Ph.D. (USA)
Steve Hickey, Ph.D. (United Kingdom)
James A. Jackson, Ph.D. (USA)
Michael Janson, M.D. (USA)
Robert E. Jenkins, D.C. (USA)
Bo H. Jonsson, M.D., Ph.D. (Sweden)
Thomas Levy, M.D., J.D. (USA)
Jorge R. Miranda-Massari, Pharm.D. (Puerto Rico)
Karin Munsterhjelm-Ahumada, M.D. (Finland)
Erik Paterson, M.D. (Canada)
W. Todd Penberthy, Ph.D. (USA)
Gert E. Schuitemaker, Ph.D. (Netherlands)
Robert G. Smith, Ph.D. (USA)
Jagan Nathan Vamanan, M.D. (India)

Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D. (USA), Editor and contact person. Email:

How to Optimize Thyroid Function

December 13, 2011

Dr. Gina Cushman is delivering a second live online Continuing Medical Education presentation this Thursday, December 15th from 9 PM to 10:15 PM ET.

The presentation topic is: “Innovative Strategies for Optimizing Thyroid Function.” Healthcare practitioners (including licensed physicians, pharmacists, nurses and naturopathic physicians) receive LIVE pharmacy credit hours by logging on at and registering for Dr. Cushman’s talk.

Just a few comments from physicians and pharmacists who have attended Dr. Cushman’s presentation:

“Excellent breakdown and explanation of the key differences between thyroid products.”

“Would love to see more programs with Dr. Gina – so interesting – she is GREAT!”

“Excellent speaker and welcomed content!”

The lecture is free to members and only $30 for non-members and you receive 1.25 hours of live continuing medical education credits!

Hope to see you there!

Thyroid Presentation Post Program Evaluation

November 28, 2011

Dr. Cushman’s lecture today on “Innovative Strategies for Optimizing Thyroid Function” was a great success.  Here are just a few comments from the physicians and pharmacists in attendance:

“Thanks Dr Cushman,excellent presentation.”

“Would love to see more programs with Dr. Gina – so interesting – she is GREAT!”

“Please get Dr. Cushman back often. She’s excellent.”

“The best one on this [Live Continuing Medical Education] website.”

“Excellent speaker!

“Excellent speaker and welcomed content!”

“Excellent presentation!”

“Excellent breakdown and explanation of the key differences between thyroid products.”

Don’t miss her next presentation scheduled for Thursday, December 15th 2011 on and receive 1.25 hours of live continuing education pharmaceutical credits!


Stay On Top of the Thyroid Epidemic

November 22, 2011

Dr. Gina Cushman of HealthBridge Management LLC to lead a live online continuing education (CE) event on “Innovative Strategies for Optimizing Thyroid Function.” Licensed healthcare professionals receive 1.25 hours of LIVE pharmacy credits by logging on to and registering for Dr. Cushman’s seminar. The first presentation,  Monday November 28th, 2011, offers 1.25 hours of live pharmaceutical CE credits and runs from 10:30 AM ET to 11:45 AM ET.

As always, you won’t want to miss this talk, that will provide new information on how best to prevent and treat the most prevalent thyroid conditions of our time.

Note from Dr. Cushman…”most of my patients associate thyroid issues with weight gain or weight loss. This is true, but just as significant is the powerful impact that an unhealthy thyroid has on your mental health, causing depression, anxiety, difficulty focusing, and difficulty handling stressful situations. Most physicians only test “TSH” which is an antiquated and ineffective way to catch and treat the MAJORITY of treatable thyroid conditions our country is challenged with. I encourage all practitioners to attend this seminar that includes digestible, take home strategies and clinical pearls that you can apply in your practice the next day.”

Last Chance to Register for Dr. Cushman’s Free Live CE Presentation Tomorrow at 2PM Eastern Time!

July 6, 2011

Just a reminder to logon to and register for Dr. Cushman’s live talk on Thursday July 7th from 2-3 PM ET.  The topic is Offsetting the Primary Risks of Oral Contraceptives (and HRT) Use in Women.

Licensed pharmacists, physicians, nurses and Naturopathic Medical Doctors receive 1 hour of LIVE (as if you were at a conference!) ACPE approved CE pharmacy credits. The talk is FREE to members and $30 for non-members.

Click here to register now.

Breast Cancer Linked to Popular Antidepressant Medication

May 7, 2011

Bloomberg reported on a research study revealing a link between female cancers and antidepressant use.

Scientists should more closely examine whether antidepressant drugs increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, according to a researcher affiliated with Harvard University whose review of 61 studies suggested a link.

The risk of cancer increased 11 percent on average for patients taking the medicines, according to a report that analyzed previous data and was published in yesterday’s issue of the peer-reviewed journal PLoS ONE. Read the full article by clicking here.

Preparing for a CME lecture (to air on PharmCon on June 9th, and categorized as live pharmacy hours for doctors) on  augmenting the side effects and risks associated with oral contraceptives and other synthetic hormones popular among women and teen-aged girls.  In addition to a significant increased risk in various cancers,  the synthetic hormones also decrease serotonin levels, further increasing the chance of a woman being prescribed anti-depressant medications which appear to further increase her risk of cancer!

A solution could be to take well researched immunomodulators like BRM4 if you take synthetic hormones, or to avoid these hormones if at all possible and turn to more natural options like Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.

In health and healing,

-Dr. G

The Gut Brain Connection..Sickness Syndrome Discussed in Psychology Today

December 13, 2010

A new article published in the November/December issue of Psychology Today reveals that gastrointestinal disorders, like infection, inflammation, and IBS cause anxiety and depression, and that probiotics may replace prozac and Valium as drugs of choice for some psychiatric disorders like anxiety and depression.  This concept, first introduced over 5 years ago and referred to as Sickness Syndrome, is finally gaining the attention of popular media channels.

For those of you who are experiencing anxiety and depression, there are options available to you that go beyond masking symptoms and address at least one of the underlying causes of why you are feeling the way you do.  We see the success of naturopathic medicine in treating anxiety and depression in our medical practice everyday, and treating digestive health is often the first step.

In health and wellness,

Dr. G