Understanding Genetic Defects and the Essential Role of Glutathione

February 2, 2024
The antioxidant power of glutathione protecting a vibrant and healthy human cell. This visual metaphor emphasizes the critical role of glutathione in combating oxidative stress and environmental toxins, showcasing the cell’s strength and protection.

In the intricate dance of human genetics, certain defects can significantly impact our health and well-being. One such critical player in our body’s ability to maintain optimal health is glutathione, often hailed as the “master antioxidant.” This powerful molecule is at the forefront of protecting our cells from damage, supporting detoxification, and boosting our immune system. However, for individuals with specific genetic defects, the production or utilization of glutathione can be severely compromised, necessitating supplementation to ensure their bodies can effectively combat oxidative stress and other challenges.

The Significance of Glutathione

Glutathione, a tripeptide composed of cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine, is found in every cell of the human body. It plays a crucial role in neutralizing free radicals, detoxifying harmful substances, and maintaining the immune system. Given its widespread functions, glutathione is pivotal in preventing cellular damage, aging, and various diseases.

Genetic Defects Impacting Glutathione

Certain genetic conditions and mutations can impair the body’s natural ability to produce or utilize glutathione effectively. For instance, mutations in genes like G6PD, GSTM1, and GSTP1 can lead to glutathione deficiency, making individuals more susceptible to oxidative stress and its damaging effects.

1. G6PD Deficiency: This genetic disorder impairs the body’s ability to produce glutathione, leading to a higher risk of hemolytic anemia, especially in response to certain medications, infections, or foods.

2. GST Gene Mutations: The Glutathione S-transferase (GST) family of enzymes, encoded by GST genes, plays a vital role in using glutathione to detoxify harmful substances. Mutations in these genes can reduce detoxification efficiency and increase susceptibility to environmental toxins and carcinogens.

Prevalence of Glutathione-Related Genetic Defects

Genetic defects related to glutathione metabolism are more common than many might expect. For example, G6PD deficiency is one of the most prevalent enzyme deficiencies worldwide, affecting more than 400 million people globally. Similarly, deletions in the GSTM1 gene occur in approximately 50% of certain populations, highlighting the widespread impact of these genetic variations.

The Role of Glutathione Supplementation

For individuals with genetic defects affecting glutathione levels, supplementation can be a vital strategy to mitigate the risks associated with these conditions. By enhancing the body’s glutathione levels, supplementation can help protect cells from oxidative damage, support detoxification processes, and strengthen the immune system.


Understanding the intricate relationship between genetic defects and glutathione’s role in our health is crucial for managing the risks associated with these conditions. For many, glutathione supplementation offers a promising avenue to support their body’s defenses against oxidative stress and maintain overall well-being despite genetic challenges.

In health,

Dr. G

Dr. Gina’s Brain Health and Mental Wellness Summit

May 12, 2023

Please join me for fun, connection, collaboration and inspiration! Bring the whole family! Free to Newport Beach residents!

Register here today: https://drgina.com/brain-health-and-mental-wellness-summit-2023/

Dr. Gina Speaks about Glutathione with Dr. Nayan Patel in New Podcast-Check it out!

February 20, 2023

Enjoyed participating in this Nutrition Business Today podcast hosted by Thomas Aarts. This was a great conversation about glutathione with Nayan Patel PharmD. Looking forward to spreading the word together about this crucial supplement and creating the best available forms to deliver to humans and animals in need globally.


#glutathione #bestdailyever #glutaryl #aurowellness #theglutathionerevolution #thepowerofglutathione #teamwork #globalhealth

Dr. Gina’s Custom Purification Program

September 1, 2022

Watch below to learn more about how Dr. Gina’s 21 Day Custom Medical Purification Program can help you feel lighter and brighter this Fall!

Dr. Gina Nick’s Custom 21 Day Purification Program

With care,



August 21, 2022
Dr. Gina Nick on the Peptide Glutathione

Here is a short video where Dr. Gina speaks about her favorite peptide, Glutathione.

In health,


What are Peptides?

August 6, 2022

There is a lot of talk these days about the benefits of therapeutic peptides. Here is a short video that helps explain what they are and how they may benefit you. I am seeing great results in my practice and have incorporated this therapy into many of our treatment plans.

Here’s to experiencing the very best version of yourself,

Dr. Gina

Dr. Gina explains what peptides are.

Best [Daily] Ever-Dr. Gina’s Glutathione plus Vitamin C Formula on Fox 40 News

May 4, 2022
Best [Daily] Ever on Fox News

Best [Daily] Ever by Apothicaire by Dr.Gina was recently on Fox 40 News. Check it out here.

This is a glutathione formula researched and designed by Dr. Gina that includes vitamin C and a clinically researched and proven form of glutathione called Setria Glutathione.

Dr. Gina has been using this in her medical practice for years with consistent results that led her to want to bring it to the masses.

Try it today and let this powerful tripeptide work for you. It is the most well researched antioxidant we know of and it works!

In health,


Sex Hormone Disruptors

April 23, 2022

There are a growing number of chemicals produced in our environment that have a serious impact on your hormone balance. Our innate Human Detoxification System has simply not evolved yet to the point of being able to handle the volume of toxins we are exposed to in the air, the water, our food supply and by exposure to pathogens like viruses, bacteria and fungi. There are chemicals in the environment that mimic hormones and will compete with our natural hormone system and cause major imbalances.

Toxins tend to congregate by the DNA that is housed in the mitochondria of your cells making them vulnerable. And mitochondria produce sex steroid hormones. And in turn sex hormones (like testosterone and estrogen) support the health of mitochondria in hormone responsive cells.

In addition to educating yourself on the most important toxins to avoid, I recommend taking action daily to support the Human Detoxification System. Daily use of glutathione and vitamin C, leafy organic greens, and remineralized water (1/2 your body weight in ounces of water) are a wise first step, along with exercise and rest. Take care of your mitochondria, and your hormone system, and in turn you will have more energy, better sex, improved mood and sense of purpose, and a far greater quality of life.

In health,

Dr. Gina

Check out Dr. Gina Nick’s First Glutathione Formula

April 9, 2022

Apothicaire by Dr. Gina just launched its first flagship product formulated by Dr. Gina Nick! It’s called Best [Daily] Ever!

Best [Daily] Ever Is the only clinically researched form of oral glutathione Dr. Gina uses to treat patients in her medical practice and is proven to boost blood levels and get results, and it’s paired with vitamin C to enhance the benefits of glutathione even more.

It is designed to make your skin glow and your health improve from the inside out. Glutathione at its BEST and it’s MADE IN THE USA.

Source: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/-Check-out-Dr–Gina-Nick-s-First-Glutathione-Product—–.html?soid=1111876821913&aid=w7Y-XdBwnpM

Podcast on Glutathione, Personalized Nutrition, Supplements and More!

December 21, 2021

Check out Dr. Gina talking about all things health with Ron and Lisa!