Dr. Gina Speaks about Glutathione with Dr. Nayan Patel in New Podcast-Check it out!

February 20, 2023

Enjoyed participating in this Nutrition Business Today podcast hosted by Thomas Aarts. This was a great conversation about glutathione with Nayan Patel PharmD. Looking forward to spreading the word together about this crucial supplement and creating the best available forms to deliver to humans and animals in need globally.


#glutathione #bestdailyever #glutaryl #aurowellness #theglutathionerevolution #thepowerofglutathione #teamwork #globalhealth


August 21, 2022
Dr. Gina Nick on the Peptide Glutathione

Here is a short video where Dr. Gina speaks about her favorite peptide, Glutathione.

In health,


“Healthy Mind. Healthy Life.”

December 27, 2018
Our first Health Talk of 2019 with Dr. Gina is on Cognitive Health! “Healthy Mind. Healthy Life.”
Kick off the new year with new information on how to live your best life. It is scheduled for Thursday January 17th from 6:30 – 7:30 PM.
Learn the secrets to peak brain function and naturally treat addiction, depression, anxiety and insomnia without the use of drugs.
Please RSVP to Cierra promptly at frontdesk@drgina.com or (949) 715-9321 x 2. Seats are limited.
Organic food and drink will be served.

ADHD Linked to Allergies and Asthma in Boys

September 25, 2013

autismBoys diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder are more likely also to have asthma, allergies and skin infections than youngsters without ADHD, a new study finds, suggesting a possible link between these conditions. Of those in the study, boys newly diagnosed with ADHD were 40 percent more likely to have asthma, 50 percent more likely to have needed a prescription for allergy medicine and 50 percent more likely to have had a bacterial skin infection than other boys. “Our study provides additional evidence to support the hypothesis that atopic disorders, such as asthma and food allergies increase the risk of developing ADHD,” the authors wrote, adding that further research is necessary to determine just how these conditions might be connected. Their results were published in the August issue of the Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.

Read more here.

Naturopathic Medical Doctors have seen this connection for a long time. Inflammatory conditions such as asthma and allergies trigger behavioral disorders.  To successfully treat ADHD we must address allergies, and additional underlying factors that cause inflammation.

In health,

Dr. Gina

Concierge Integrative Medical Services

November 4, 2012

Just a quick post to share my excitement as our medical practice expands to offer to our patients the only medical service of its kind in southern California.

As you know, I am passionate about integrative medicine, and after 15 years treating patients and teaching physicians how to practice this medicine, I am still in awe of the results that come with helping the body to heal itself.  There are natural options available for major health challenges, like depression, infertility, ADHD, hormone imbalance, memory loss, chronic pain, and rheumatoid arthritis.

I have been practicing concierge medicine with our high profile patients and am now offering this service to more people.

As a concierge patient you have the option for home visits, a private line to the doctor, help with shopping for the best foods for your body, and a more personal and direct relationship, the way medicine used to be practiced, when your doctor was also a family friend.

Read about our patients’ experiences to learn firsthand from others who have gotten results with the help of this medicine.

You can call our offices at 310-734-0950 (Beverly Hills) or 949-715-9321 (Newport Beach) for more info.

In health,
Dr. Gina

Mercury and Alzheimers

November 15, 2010

A telling news report was just released by Business Wire (reprinted below) about the close tie between mercury exposure and damage to the brain, leading to Alzheimer’s in at risk individuals. Interestingly, Maria Shriver recently was quoted as saying that this disease will bankrupt our country.  There is no question that free radicals, in the form of environmental toxins, heavy metals, food additives, and likely GMO byproducts, congregate in the DNA of cells and cause genetic damage. The brain is highly sensitive to free radical damage, hence the relationship between toxins and most health challenges that involve brain function including Autism, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety and Alzheimer’s.

Glutathione, healthy brain diet, purification, and resveratrol are among the favorite approaches for preventing and reversing free radical harm to the brain.

For those considering IV chelation, please work with a physician who is well balanced in his/her perspective regarding the safe use of IV chelation for significant heavy metal body burden, as sometimes this can cause an increased exposure of the heavy metal, such as mercury, leading to irreversible neurological damage in vulnerable individuals. For the most part chelation therapy is safe, and an excellent choice, when prescribed and monitored by a qualified physician. Oral chelation is an alternative option, that produces positive results, and is gentler on the body. It is worth starting with oral chelation to see how you respond before undergoing IV chelation.

In health,

Dr. G


Mercury Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease | Business Wire 11/15/10 6:20 AM

November 15, 2010 06:13 AM Pacific Time

Mercury Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease

“The Disease Destined to Bankrupt this Nation”

SAN DIEGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Mercury likely plays a role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), according to a review of relevant scientific literature published this month in The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. Dr. Joachim Mutter of Germany, Dr. Richard Deth of the United States, and other esteemed researchers collaborated on the groundbreaking article Does Inorganic Mercury Play a Role in Alzheimer’s Disease? A Systematic Review and an Integrated Molecular Mechanism, which clarifies the need for continuing research to understand the cause of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

The authors of the review use numerous peer-reviewed studies to suggest that a genetic predisposition and exposure to a neurotoxin such as mercury have to co-exist for Alzheimer’s disease to manifest itself. Dr. Richard Deth, co-author and professor of neuro-pharmacology at Northeastern University in Boston, explains: “Since the brain is more vulnerable to oxidative stress than any other organ, it is not surprising that mercury, which promotes oxidative stress, is an important risk factor for brain disorders.” Dr. Deth’s motto: “Mercury is bad for the brain.”

The research of the former chair of the University of Kentucky’s Chemistry Department, Dr. Boyd Haley, is congruent with Drs. Deth and Mutter’s findings. Dr. Haley, who has done research on the relationship between mercury and Alzheimer’s disease for more than twenty years, states: “Earlier research on the biochemical abnormalities of the Alzheimer’s Diseased (AD) brain showed that mercury, and only mercury, at very low levels induced the same biochemical abnormalities when added to normal human brain homogenates or in the brains of rats exposed to mercury vapor.”

Insofar as the genetic component, Haley contends: “The structure of the genetic risk protein for Alzheimer’s disease, called APO-E4, shows it has lost the ability to bind and remove mercury from the cerebrospinal fluid, the fluid that bathes the brain, when compared to the other forms of APO-E protein.”

Mercury has been the subject of controversy in various public health issues over the years, including its use in vaccines and dental amalgam fillings.

Norway, Sweden, and Denmark officially banned the use of mercury in dental fillings based on the Precautionary Principal, a protective doctrine requiring proof of safety — a doctrine rejected by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Prior to these bans, the World Health Organization reported in 1991 that mercury fillings, routinely described as silver fillings to the public, are by far the greatest contribution to mercury in the human body.

This December, the FDA is expected to review scientific literature pertaining to the harmful effects of placing mercury fillings into the body. Scientists and experts in the field will present testimony regarding the relationship between mercury toxicity and neurological diseases, with a special focus on vulnerable populations including children and the unborn. Dr. Haley will be among the scientists presenting.

“will bankrupt every family in this country.”

http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20101115005878/en/Mercury-Linked-Alzheimer’s-Disease Page 1 of 2

Mercury Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease | Business Wire 11/15/10 6:20 AM


On behalf of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (www.IAOMT.org) Freya Koss, Publicist 610-649-2606


or David Kennedy, DDS 619-222-8177 davidkennedy-dds@cox.net

Lamenting that Alzheimer’s has reached epidemic proportions, California’s first lady Maria Shriver, in a recent interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer, vehemently expressed the need to find the cause of AD, expressing concern that AD “will bankrupt every family in this country.” The Alzheimer’s Association estimates 172 billion dollars in annual costs to maintain AD patients, which makes it imperative for the cause of AD to be found.

Mutter and Deth’s research sheds strong light on the possible root of the sixth leading cause of death in America.

Dr. Matt Young, President of International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT), an academy of dental, medical, and research professionals dedicated to safety in health care, which has held a continued focus on mercury’s effects, said, “Mercury must seriously be considered as a causal agent of Alzheimer’s. It is imperative that the National Institute of Health fund realistic research regarding the mercury Alzheimer’s connection, which heretofore has for the most part been ignored.”

Note: Mutter-Deth published article available by request. Interviews with quoted scientists can be arranged.

Permalink: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20101115005878/en/Mercury-Linked-Alzheimer%E2%80%99s-Disease




Exercise in Nature to Boost Mental Health

June 7, 2010

Exercising in the green, natural environments has long been known to boost – not necessarily the physical health benefit – but one’s mood, self-esteem and odds of avoiding mental illness such as depression and other psychological conditions. But a study has pinpointed exactly how much time spent working out in green environments – not sitting around outside but actually exercising in those parks, gardens, nature trails and nature-heavy environments – is required to achieve maximum mental health benefit. And it’s a mere five minutes. The study conclusions were released on May 1, by the journal Environmental Science & Technology.

Click here and type in “depression,” “anxiety” or any other mood-related health challenge in the search bar to learn more about what you can do to enhance your outlook and stave off depression and anxiety.  Another helpful site is SickSyndrome.com.

A few favorite natural supplements prescribed at our medical practice used to enhance mood include Tryptophan, Anxiety Pack, and the Sickness Syndrome Depression Pack.

In health,

Dr. G

PBS Documentary on Naturopathic Medicine

January 12, 2009


Windsor Broadcast Productions, well known for its long running PBS series American Health Journal is producing a documentary focusing on Naturopathic Medicine. The documentary will be comprised of seven 30 minute segments on such topics as Mental Health, Adult Allergies, ADD & ADHA. The documentary will initially run on PBS in the greater Orange County, California area sometime in March 2009 and is expected to reach a nationwide audience later in the year.herbs2

One of the segments features Dr. Gina Nick and her naturopathic approach to dealing with Chronic Pain.

Some of the key messages highlighted throughout the series are:

* Naturopathic Doctors are trustworthy, credible, and a qualified choice for healthcare

* Naturopathic medicine offers a continuum of care

* Naturopathic medicine is the “new norm” for health and healthcare

* Naturopathic doctors believe in the power of the human being to regain greater health

Dr. Nick and LTP Natural Medical Center specialize in the prevention of dis-ease, optimizing overall health and providing a sense of well being.

Knowledge is power. LTP Natural Medical Center hopes you will tune-in to this very exciting documentary series and empower yourself with knowledge about the natural approach to your health.

Childhood Food Allergies on the Rise

November 17, 2008


Food allergies are on the rise in the US, and are highly prevalent in children.  The most common allergies that I see in my practice are delayed food hypersensitivity reactions which means that you could eat a suspect food one day and not experience symptoms from that food for 48 hours.  Eggs, pasteurized cow’s milk products (e.g. pasteurized cheese, yogurt, milk derived from cows)  wheat, and shellfish are among the most common foods that cause reactions in the body. These food allergies can cause or aggravate asthma symptoms, susceptibility to colds and the flu, mood disorders including depression, anxiety, and Attention Deficit Disorder, and chronic conditions including Autism Spectrum Disorder, arthritis, joint pain, chronic fatigue syndrome and eczema.

There are several ways to determine if you have a food allergy.  The first way is a little complicated but involves an elimination diet where you remove all traces of the most common food allergens from your diet. Then, over time, you reintroduce one of those foods at a time and note if you experience symptoms. I highly recommend working with a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor if you are interested in treating yourself or your child for food allergies.

I test the blood for food allergies and find that this is an accurate, more specific, and simpler way to know what foods to avoid.

So why are food allergies on the rise?  One reason is that we are living in a more sterile environment then ever before. The overuse of disinfectants, the overuse of antibiotics when they are not really necessary, and the tendency to work and study indoors in rather sterile environments where there is limited exposure to sunlight (a natural disinfectant) are some of the reasons why children’s immune systems are not up to par.  Food allergies tend to be caused by an imbalance in immune function.

Some natural ways to balance out immune function are to get tested for food allergies and avoid them for 3-6 months, get your blood tested for vitamin A and vitamin D3 and supplement these nutrients if necessary, and take a high quality probiotic on a regular basis to keep the healthy bacteria present in your gut.  Other options to consider that I often use in practice to boost immune function include Oregacillin, Allimed, and Berry Well Immune Support. I also like the Candida Cleanse Pack which treats candida but also serves as a powerful immune supportive protocol, and for optimal foundational support for our children I recommend the Children’s Foundation Pack.

In health,

Dr. G

Healthy Meals Equal Better Grades in School

August 28, 2008

One of the most important components to children functioning at their best in school and on the playground is proper nutrition.  The Washington Post just reported on this subject, offering valuable tips and resources  to ensure that your child gets the nutrition he/she needs. Children who eat healthy, satisfying dinners sleep better, and are more alert the following morning. And children who eat a balanced nourishing breakfast and lunch have better neurotransmitter activity and improved concentration during the day.  Supplementation is also an important option to consider in children who are not getting the nutrition their brain and body need, particularly if they are challenged with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Autism Spectrum Disorder.

In health,

Dr. Gina