The Healing Sounds of Nature

April 17, 2021

Pesticides and Endometriosis

November 5, 2013

FishJumpingoutofBowlToxicWhy some women and not others get endometriosis — the growth of uterine tissue outside the uterus that can cause pain and infertility — is not known, but researchers have come up with one possible contributing factor: pesticide poisoning.

Scientists studied 248 women with surgically confirmed endometriosis and 538 healthy controls. They measured blood levels of two pesticides, mirex and beta HCH, which persist in some fish and dairy products even though their use in the United States has been banned for decades. The study appears online in Environmental Health Perspectives.

The researchers found that women with the highest exposure to mirex had a 50 percent increased risk for endometriosis, and those exposed to high levels of beta HCH a 30 to 70 percent increased risk.

Read more here.

This study points to the importance of thinking about the long-term impact that pesticides and other environmental pollutants have on our health.  This particular pesticide, Mirex, has been banned for twenty plus years, yet it is increasing the risk of endometriosis and associated infertility today. The effects of these chemicals linger and get stored in the food supply, the soil, our cells.

The good news is that the more information is released like this, and the more aware we are,  the more we, as scientists, healthcare professionals, farmers, and consumers, will focus (hopefully) on less toxic means of managing pests in our environment.

In health,

Dr. Gina

Protect the Hawaiian Islands. Take Action and Support Bill 2491 TODAY!

July 30, 2013
Kilauea Lighthouse

Lighthouse on the Island of Kauai

Below is an urgent call to action by the good folks at Food Democracy Now! regarding the unprecedented “Right to Know” Bill 2491 that will prohibit open air testing of experimental pesticides and experimental GMO’s while publicly disclosing pesticide use on the Hawaiian islands.   Please watch the quick video from international surfing champion Kelly Slater who says it simply and clearly.

What is happening in Hawaii needs to be addressed immediately.  I have lived on Kauai, my daughter was born there, and I am considering a  second medical office on the island. Clearly there is a great need there for purification…too much of a need!  Kauai is a beautiful place that, like all of the Hawaiian islands, serves as a glaring reminder of the importance of respecting and living in harmony with nature.  Nature freely shares its  vibrant colors, nourishing foods and healing capabilities. It has sustained us since the beginning of time, and has the ability to nourish all, yet is being abused in many, many inhumane ways.  The island and its children should not be used as a testbed for toxic chemicals that taint the air and water supply.

Please read below and take action today.

In health,

Dr. Gina


You may have spent your honeymoon or a childhood vacation in Hawaii, or just dreamed of someday walking on the islands’ beautiful beaches, but chances are, whatever your experience of Hawaii, it likely doesn’t include the harsh reality of it being the agri-chemical testing ground that it’s become in recent years.

Right now a major battle is heating up on the islands regarding pesticides and experimental GMOs that could impact our collective future and we need your help.

In the past four months, GMO activists in Hawaii have held the largest protests and marches to stop Monsanto in the history of the islands. While widely known as a beloved tourist destination to millions of vacationers worldwide, in reality Hawaii has a dark side that Monsanto and the giant chemical and biotech companies don’t want you to know about.

For over 20 years, the Hawaiian Islands have become ground zero for open air field trials of the biotech industry’s toxic chemicals and experimental GMO crops. Tests have shown that the biotech industry’s harmful chemicals are contaminating local air and water sources that expose island residents and vacationers alike.

Even worse, at least 10 schools on Hawaii are only 100 yards away from GMO chemical fields, potentially endangering Hawaii’s school children’s health for the sake of profits for the chemical and biotech companies.

But the Hawaiian people have had enough and want the right to know if they and their children are being exposed to toxic pesticides.

This Wednesday, July 31, a public hearing is being held by the Kauai City Council regarding a common sense “Right to Know” bill – Bill 2491 – that puts public health ahead of biotech profits by limiting Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs). It prohibits open air testing of experimental pesticides and experimental GMO’s while publicly disclosing pesticide use on the islands. This bill is unprecedented and necessary but needs your help to pass.

Tell the leaders of Hawaii it’s time to stop poisoning paradise and start protecting the islands’ biodiversity, its people and tourists or you’ll take your next vacation elsewhere! As long as they poison paradise, you’re boycotting Hawaii for good! Every voice counts!

Each year, tourists spend more than $14 billion on Hawaii’s islands to experience the paradise of sandy beaches and soak in the sun, not the chemical and biotech industry’s toxic pesticides and experimental GMO pollen. Last year, more than 8 million tourists visited the tropical paradise that employs more than 167,000 island residents who make a living supporting tourism.

Currently citizens of Kauai have no legal right to know what toxic chemicals are being sprayed in their communities, but passing Bill 2491 could change that.

Toxic Pesticide Drift Impacts Local Schools and Children

Tests have confirmed that at least 3 Restricted Use Pesticides contaminated a local school on the Garden Island of Kauai, such as the toxic herbicide Atrazine, which has been banned in Europe since 2004 due to serious health problems, including cancer, birth defects and reproductive issues.

In 2005, Atrazine, manufactured by Syngenta, was found in Kauai’s drinking water and in 2006 and 2008 children and teachers at a school in Waimea were sickened on several occasions, including one incident where at least 10 children were rushed to the local hospital.

This doesn’t sound like the island paradise that is promoted by the Hawaiian tourism industry, does it?

Yes on Bill 2491 – A Reasonable Public Disclosure Bill About Pesticides and GMOs!

Bill 2491 specifically applies only to large industrial agricultural operations that use large amounts of Restricted Use Pesticides (RUP’s). 99% of these very toxic substances are used by just 5 companies on Kauai – Syngenta, BASF, Pioneer DuPont and Dow, who occupy nearly all of the leased agricultural lands in west Kauai – over 15,000 acres in close proximity to schools, residences, churches, and hospitals.

According to University of Hawaii Professor Dr. Hector Valenzuela, every year, giant biotech chemical corporations spray at least 99 different pesticides on Hawaii.  On Kauai, they dump over 36,000 pounds of 22 different types of Restricted Use Pesticides and an additional estimated 160,000 pounds of General Use Pesticides (glyphosate, Round Up and other).

Tell the leaders of Hawaii as long as they poison paradise, you’re boycotting Hawaii for good! Every voice counts!

What happens in Hawaii, doesn’t stay in Hawaii! Please use your voice today to tell Hawaii’s leaders that you’re paying attention and expect them to support the people, not Monsanto and Syngenta!

Surfing Legend Kelly Slater on The Current Threat to Hawaii

For more about what’s going on in the Hawaiian Islands and why they need to be protected, take a look at this short film with surfing legend and 11 time ASP surfing champion Kelly Slater,

Thanks for participating in food democracy,

Dave, Lisa and the Food Democracy Now! team

To follow the ongoing efforts to stop experimental pesticides and GMOs and the battle to save Hawaii, visit Hawaii GMO Justice Coalition and Food Democracy Now! on Facebook.

PS * If you live on Kauai, the public hearing is on Bill 2491. Please show your support by attending this important hearing.

Because of the intense public debate that has taken place in the past year in Hawaii, public officials are expecting record attendance. As a result, the location of the public hearing has been moved from its original venue.

When: 1:30pm -Wednesday, July 31, 2013 (arrive early)

Where: Kauai Veterans Center, 3215 Kapule Highway in Lihue facility


1. “Attorney: Pesticides at WCMS Violates Federal Law”, The Garden Island, July 14, 2013.

2. “The Truth About Bill 2491 Relating to Pesticides and Genetically Modified Organisms”, Gary Hoosier’s Blog, July 20, 2013.

3. “GMO Debate: Kauai’s Struggle for Health and the Environment”, Honolulu Civil Beat, July 17, 2013

4. “GMO & Pesticide Experiments in Hawaii: The Poisoning of Paradise”, Huffington Post, July 2, 2013.

5. “GMO & Pesticide Experiments in Hawaii: Part 2, Kauai’s Right to Know”, Huffington Post, July 25, 2013

The Most Pesticide-Heavy Fruits and Vegetables

April 29, 2013

Seattle Farmers MarketThe non-profit Environmental Working Group recently released their 2013 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists.  Apples and celery were at the top of the list of the most contaminated fruits and vegetables, while asparagus and avocados were at the top of the list of the least contaminated fruits and vegetables. Click here for more.

Pesticide residues are an important contributor to the increased incidence of chronic illnesses worldwide, including obesity, estrogen sensitive cancers, neurological disorders, depression and anxiety.

In an effort to protect the body from harm (especially children whose detoxification mechanisms are not fully developed, and older adults whose detoxification systems are less efficient), do your best to stick with organic when consuming the Dirty Dozen.

In health,

Dr. Gina


GMO Crops Increase Pesticide Use

October 5, 2012

A new report published last Friday in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Sciences Europe is raising significant concern that weeds are evolving to become resistant to GMO crop technology, causing a significant increase in the use of toxic pesticides. Super weeds are cropping up in a similar fashion to the superbugs that have plagued our hospitals.  Read more here.

Dr. Gina

Urgent!!! Protect your Right to a Safe Food Supply and a Healthy Environment. Act TODAY!

June 27, 2012

Below is a news release from Food Democracy Now! that reveals a concerning provision to be considered by the House of Representatives THIS WEEK that takes away the federal court’s ability (and constitutional mandate) to stop the planting and sale of  genetically modified crops (GMO crops) during a legal process of appeals when the safety of these foods, our rights as consumers, and the health of the environment are in question. Please take action today to protect your rights to healthy food before corporate profits.

In health,

-Dr. Gina

Stop the Monsanto Protection Act!

This week the House of Representatives will consider a provision to House Agricultural Appropriations Bill that will fundamentally undermine the concept of judicial review. Hidden under the guise of a “Farmer Assurance Provision” (Section 733), the provision strips the rights of federal courts to halt the sale and planting of genetically engineered crops during the legal appeals process. In the past, legal advocates have successfully won in court the right to halt the sale and planting of unapproved GMO crops while the approval of those crops is under review by a federal judge. This dangerous new House provision, which were calling the Monsanto Protection Act, would strip judges of their constitutional mandate to protect consumer rights and the environment, while opening up a floodgate of planting of new untested genetically engineered crops, endangering farmers, consumers and the environment.

Once again, Monsanto and the biotech industry are working behind closed doors to undermine your basic rights.

This time they’ve gone too far! Join us in putting a stop to the Monsanto Protection Act!

24 Hours to Take Action: Monsanto Pushes USDA to Approve GMO Drought Corn

August 11, 2011

Below is a call to action by Food Democracy Now! regarding the approval of another Monsanto GMO product.  More research is pointing to the fact that GMO products do impact our health, can affect fertility, and cause pesticide residue to linger in the blood. Until the due diligence is done on the long term health consequences of GMO products, let’s hold off on introducing more GMO products into the environment.

In health,

-Dr. G

Monsanto pushes USDA to approve GMO drought corn – Tell the USDA what you think!

As if genetically engineered alfalfa, corn for ethanol, sugar beets, and most recently Kentucky bluegrass for lawns weren’t enough, the Obama USDA is now poised to approve another unnecessary GMO crop, in lieu of independent scientific data and practice of precautionary principles.

Currently, Monsanto is seeking approval from the USDA of a drought resistant corn known as MON 87460, which Monsanto claims achieves better results under low-water conditions compared to other varieties. Even the USDA’s own assessment shows that MON 87460 is no more “drought-tolerant” than current corn varieties nor does it have the true long-term potential benefits to meet drought conditions that farming with organic corn can bring to farmers.

Unfortunately, like all GMO approval processes in the U.S., the USDA has relied heavily on Monsanto’s own corporate science and failed to get adequate independent, peer reviewed data regarding the safety of this new GMO drought corn or of Monsanto’s claims.

It would appear that the “science” used to rationalize the approval for yet another GMO crop is biased to the benefit of Monsanto, ignoring the needs of farmers, the environment and the health of the population. The USDA public comment for approval of MON ends tomorrow

Let your voice be heard – Tell the USDA today to reject Monsanto’s GMO drought-resistant corn.

British Scientists Find GMO Horizontal Gene Transfer

In what can only be a glaring scientific oversight, the USDA assessment readily admits that “horizontal gene transfer” of DNA is a common event in nature, but somehow diminishes the potential for the novel genetic components found in Monsanto’s GMO drought corn to be capable of such leaps. Current ag biotechnology relies on a crude insertion of GMO genes done in scattershot fashion, which are by their very creation designed to cross previously untraversable genetic barriers imposed by nature.

More alarming is the fact that scientists in England have found that “horizontal gene transfer” of one of the main GMO genetic components found in MON 87460 has already occurred. Just last year scientists at University of Bristol “identified a natural process they say that would allow synthetic genes to move across GM organisms and out into the wild.”

According to the USDA’s own assessment, Monsanto’s GMO drought corn “was developed through a plant pathogenic bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation”. It is the same Agrobacterium tumefaciens that British researchers found that “‘transforms’ plant tissue at ‘plant wound’ sites and ‘clearly demonstrates that when placed together on damaged plant tissue, Agrobacterium readily transforms associated fungi’”.

It is hard to understand how scientists at the main U.S. government oversight agency could miss these facts in their own assessment of a new GMO crop, but like previous administrations, officials in the Obama administration appear more interested in fast-tracking Monsanto’s GMO technology.

Tell the USDA that they need to reject Monsanto’s studies of their own products and demand more independent peer reviewed data before it can approve any more GMO crops.

Monsanto’s Missing GMO Genes: Where did they GO?

On top of this, the current USDA assessment for Monsanto’s GMO drought corn readily admits that multiple GMO genetic components “did not get incorporated into the transformed plant”. Even as Monsanto attempts to diminish this alarming finding, the USDA also admits “a 22 base pair length of genomic DNA got deleted at the insert-to-plant DNA junction in MON 87460.”

Despite these disturbing scientific anomalies, which the USDA calls “minor genetic sequence modifications” the agency concludes there is no “biologically meaningful difference between MON 87460 and conventional corn.”

Do you believe them?

Bt toxin from GMO Corn Found in Pregnant Mothers

This past spring, further punctuating the point of gene trasference from plants to humans, Canadian scientists alarmingly discovered traces of the Bt toxin from GMO corn – engineered to release an insecticide – in 93% of blood samples taken from pregnant women and 80% umbilical cords tested.

This discovery comes in spite of promises by ag biotech companies such as Monsanto that this was not possible.

For any mother or parent such findings should bring about a sobering awakening that U.S. governmental regulatory agencies are not adequately doing their jobs and that more independent peer reviewed studies must be conducted before any more GMO crops are approved by the USDA or the Obama administration.

Click here to send in your public comment to tell the USDA that they need to reject Monsanto’s studies of their own products and demand more independent peer reviewed data before they can approve any more GMO crops.

Thanks for participating in food democracy,

Dave, Lisa and the Food Democracy Now! Team


1. “PLANT PEST RISK ASSESSMENT FOR MON 87460 CORN” U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

2. “Scientists Discover New Route for GM Contamination”, November 4, 2010 Farmers Guardian.

3. “GM food toxins found in the blood of 93% of unborn babies”, May 20, 2011, UK Daily Mail.

Monsanto News

April 3, 2011

Interesting news about a new lawsuit filed against Monsanto by the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT).

For more details click here:

In health and healing,

Dr. G

Farmers and Seed Producers Launch Preemptive Strike against Monsanto

By The Cornucopia Institute  Posted by Lynn Christianson

“Lawsuit Filed To Protect Themselves from Unfair Patent Enforcement on Genetically Modified Seed

Action Would Prohibit Biotechnology Giant from Suing Organic Farmers and Seed Growers If Innocently Contaminated by Roundup Ready Genes

NEW York: On behalf of 60 family farmers, seed businesses and organic agricultural organizations, the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) filed suit today against Monsanto Company challenging the chemical giant’s patents on genetically modified seed. The organic plaintiffs were forced to sue preemptively to protect themselves from being accused of patent infringement should their crops ever become contaminated by Monsanto’s genetically modified seed.

Monsanto has sued farmers in the United States and Canada, in the past, when there are patented genetic material has inadvertently contaminated their crops.”



Obama Approves GMO Foods- Sign Petition to Reverse This TODAY!

February 8, 2011

Please send a letter to President Obama and Secretary Vilsack today requesting their immediate revocation of the decision to fully deregulate Monsanto’s GMO crops and to democratically investigate the impact of this unproven technology on human health, the environment and farmers’ long-term ability to meet the challenges of 21st century agriculture.

In health,

-Dr. G

From Food Democracy Now!

Over the past 12 days, the Obama administration has unbelievably chosen to approve two biotech crops, Roundup Ready genetically modified (GMO) alfalfa and Roundup Ready genetically modified (GMO) sugar beets. Obama’s recent approval of them will allow them to be planted as early as this spring, despite widespread acknowledgement that these crops are certain to contaminate both conventional and organic farmers non-GMO crops. Their approval only benefits one company — Monsanto.

These decisions are a devastating blow to our democracy and the basic rights of farmers to choose how they want to grow food on their land and the rights of consumers who increasingly choose organic and sustainably grown food for its positive health and environmental impacts. Please join us in telling President Obama that it’s time to stand up to Monsanto and reject these GMO crops today!

Tell Jerry Brown to Prioritize Safe, Sustainable Food as his #1 Agenda Item

January 19, 2011

Please sign this letter to Gov. Jerry Brown, encouraging him to make healthy, local, organic and sustainable food policies a central part of his administration.

Food Democracy Now has prepared a letter to Gov. Jerry Brown, asking him to prioritize  healthy, sustainable and local food and farm policies that benefit all Californians. The letter prepared by Food Democracy Now asks for California food policies that place a strong emphasis on improving access to healthy food to underserved communities, create economically vibrant farms and farm jobs, reward and adequately protect farm workers and ensure that the bounty of California’s natural resources are preserved for future generations.


In health,

Dr. Gina