Dr. Gina’s Custom Purification Program

September 1, 2022

Watch below to learn more about how Dr. Gina’s 21 Day Custom Medical Purification Program can help you feel lighter and brighter this Fall!

Dr. Gina Nick’s Custom 21 Day Purification Program

With care,


Too Much Exposure: Everyday Chemicals that Can Harm Kids

September 18, 2019

Here is a great article from Harvard Medical School’s health blog that clearly lists some of the main chemicals that we want our kids to steer clear of, and why. At our office we test children for imbalances that are sometimes caused by too much exposure to these chemicals, that can lead to avoidable health problems. They are often referred to as “endocrine disrupters” because they cause hormonal imbalances in the body.

It is a quick read and worth a look!

In health,

Dr. Gina

Antibiotic Use in Infants Causes Disease Later in Life

May 21, 2015

Interesting new datahappy_baby is linking antibiotic use in infants (a common practice) to allergies, infectious disease and autoimmune disease later in life.  Limiting overprescribing of antibiotics, paired with appropriate probiotic use in infants will help to prevent unnecessary suffering as children mature.  Fortunately today there are simple and effective lab tests available to look at the gut ecology in children and adults, to determine if there is an unhealthy alteration of gut bacteria, and what probiotics (if any) to use.

In health,

Dr. Gina