An Introduction to Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

PharmCon.jpg.w300h62Dr. Gina just gave another PharmCon continuing medical education presentation this morning at 7:30 AM on Progesterone: A Powerful Hormone for Women and Men.  The response was overwhelming. There were nearly 600 attendees (!) at her presentation. Here are a few comments from the doctors in attendance:


“Great program. This is an area that most of us do not get much exposure to. Really Enjoyed it.”

“LOVED this presentation and topic!”

“Please have more! Very informative and interesting presentation.”

“Excellent, we need more of this type. excellent overview of advantages of various dosage forms of progesterone,deficiency symptoms, differences from estrogen and xenoestrogen, additional source material and most importantly differences between bioidentical and synthetic progesterone and estrogen.”

“Excellent presenter and great presentation.”

“Thank you very much. GOD bless you. Excellent and informative presentation.”

“Dr.Cushman is [an] excellent presenter.”

If you are a licensed healthcare professional or a patient who wants your doctor to learn more about this emerging field of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy…don’t miss her next lecture!

Topic: An Introduction to Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

When: July 22nd at 7:30 AM PDT

Receive 1 hour of LIVE continuing medical education credit.


Hope to see you there!

HealthBridge Medical Center and

One Response to An Introduction to Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

  1. Brenda Forster says:

    I have a traditional medical practice in Internal Medicine in a large corporation. about five years ago started studing, learning (took several classes online per Jonathon Wright and et) and thus started providing BIest with Progesterone and testosterone topically through a compound pharmacy that is 50 miles from here. I base the dosings off of blood test and then retest in 12 weeks. I need a contact person for when things are not going as they should. I am the ONLY provider in my clinic of 70 practitioners that is willing to do this for our patients thus I am busy! Can I use you as an expert in the future? If so will you send my your credentials and emaill?
    Brenda Forster, NP/C


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